Aquamorphia is a word that emerged from my fascination with aquatic creatures and their transformations. It is composed of "aqua," meaning water, and "morphia," derived from "metamorphosis," which refers to change.
I found this to be a fitting match for the material epoxy. Epoxy is a material that transforms: you mix two liquid components together, causing it to transform into a hard material. Additionally, you can also shape it into various forms.

I have always been fascinated by aquatic life. That’s why I chose to combine my interest in the material epoxy with this fascination. Epoxy is versatile, organic, and strong, which perfectly matches the image I wanted to create.
There is something mysterious about underwater life. The shapes and colors you find underwater are astonishing. There is still so much we don’t know about underwater life, and that leaves room for imagination. With my love for art, I started creating my own version of the "undiscovered underwater life."
I let my imagination run wild and bring this fantasy world to life with my art.
This project includes abstract artworks inspired by aquatic life. A wall piece representing the design of coral reefs, a hanging piece featuring a colony of jellyfish, and my own interpretation of undiscovered coral. Each piece brings a unique aspect of the underwater world to life, where shapes, colors, and textures come together to create an enchanting visual experience.

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